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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(5): 8716-8728

Transformation In Advertising Through Consumer Behavior



Post-Independence Consumer Behavior in India is the focus of this investigation into the changing face of advertising. One might say that customer behavior is the very breath of advertising because of how important it is in shaping advertisements. For a business to achieve commercial success, it must understand its target market, including its likes and dislikes, the elements that impact his cognitive process, and the behavioral patterns that contribute to the market's current trends. Despite the cutthroat nature of the business world, a product that is tailored to the preferences of its target audience may survive. The goal here is to theoretically comprehend the process how consumer habits are formed. The second is to collect data on what makes an effective advertising consumer. The overarching goal of this study is to develop a theory of self-observation by investigating the sequential stages of change in Indian advertising and consumer behavior.

Key words: Advertising, Consumer, Media, Demographics, Buyers.

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