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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(5): 8708-8715

Spiritual Values In The Writings Of Kamala Markandya



It is the repression, resistance, and rejection of a once colonial world that Postcolonial Studies echoes, propelling a multidisciplinary and cross-border method of studying a text that frequently oscillates backward in time. Similarly, Indian Writing in English is a byproduct of the blending of British and indigenous Indian cultures, as is the case with all Postcolonial Literature. Kamala Markandaya has seen the decline in Indian aesthetic standards and the loss of Indian cultural values as a result of colonialism. This thesis is an effort to analyze the postcolonial undercurrents in her books, A Silence of Desire and Possession.

Key words: Spiritual Value, Kamala Markandaya, rationalism, tradition and progress.

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