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Relation Between Near Work and Myopia Progression in Student Population

Lejla Muhamedagic, Belma Muhamedagic, Emina Alimanovic Halilovic, Jasmina Alajbegovic Halimic, Aleksa Stankovic, Bedrana Muracevic.


Aim To determine relation between near work and myopia progression in student population. Causes of myopia occurrence are not sufficiently explained. Methods This retrospective-prospective, descriptive research included 100 students with verified myopia up to -3 Dsph. Ophthalmological examination and measurement diopter-hours variable (Dh) were done twice, in the period from January 2011 until January 2012. Results A multivariate regression analysis of impact on the difference of distance visual acuity without correction to the right and left eye and difference of automatic computer refractometry in cycloplegia of both eyes indicates that, diopter-hours variable (Dh) had statistically significant impact on increase of distance visual acuity difference (right eye OR: I measurement–Dh 1.489, II measurement–Dh 1.544, p

Key words: ophthalmological examination, diopter-hours variable (Dh).

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