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RMJ. 2023; 48(2): 289-292

Mother’s knowledge concerning preventive measures of their children during the COVID-19 period

Shahznan Hassan Badr, Mohammed Talib Abed, Ibrahim Faris.


Objective: To assess mother’s knowledge concerning preventive measures for their children during the covid-19 period and determine the association between mother’s knowledge concerning preventive measures and sociodemographic characteristics of the sample.
Methodology: This descriptive study was carried out at Health Center, Karbala city, Iraq from 15/4/2021 to 15/5/2021. The sample consisted of 103 mothers. The instrument was adopted and finalized following thorough literature research and each participant spent 15-20 minutes with it.
Results: The highest percentage of mothers were aged from

Key words: Mothers, knowledge, preventive measures, covid-19.

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