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Research Article

EEO. 2023; 22(2): 20-31

The Role Of Teaching Aids In Increasing The Level Of Perception Among Learners -A Field Study In Some Schools In The City Of Laghouat



The current study aimed at identifying the role of teaching aids in increasing the level of perception among learners, in addition to determining the reality of using them in the primary education cycle. This study was conducted in some primary schools in the city of Laghouat, where the descriptive exploratory approach and the observation network were used.
The field study concluded that the use of teaching aids has an effective role in raising the level of perception among learners, as it increases the level of comprehension and retention. It was also noted through observation that there is a shortage in the use of teaching aids and a lack of perception of their importance.

Key words: Teaching aids, Perception, Primary cycle.

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