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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(3): 4464-4473

Preparation And Evaluation Of Aspirin Granules Prepared By Wet Granulation Technique, By Using Different Types Of Binders

Sachin Dudhe, P.C. Meshram.


Aspirin tablet is prepared by wet granulation method. Aspirin belonging to the class of NSAID having analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and antiplatelet activity at systematic standard doses. In this Lubricants in combination leads to better drug release kinetic. The Prepared Tablet is Evaluated In terms of bulk density, tapped density, the angle of repose, Carr’s Index and, hardness test, weight variation test, friability test and in vitro study. The result associated with optimized batch is good satisfactory and having better drug release kinetic. The in-vitro dissolution studies we got result our formulation follow Zero Order Kinetics with the effect of lubricants using in combination for better kinetic drug release.

Key words: Evaluation , Aspirin , Granules , Granulation , Technique

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