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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(4): 4491-4492

Water Challenge In The Arab World (Incomplete Paper)

Dr. Richa Thapliyal.


Aside from the security, political, educational, social and health challenges, the Arab world faces some serious economic challenges among which are: unemployment, lower labor productivity, economic diversification, change in the energy market out of hydrocarbon, environmental, deteriorating terms of trade, lower growth, poverty and so on.
There is even more serious challenges that is hardly being discussed. The World Bank calls, it in a recent study: - “The invisible water crisis”.
Other titles reflect its seriousness: -
“The land of waters has its own merits” The Guardian
“Rivers of Dust: Water and the Middle East” Counter Punch
This is not surprising since the Arab region has 5% of the world’s population having access only to 1% of the world’s total water resources.
In this brief intervention I will try to highlight this major challenge and offer few recommendations.

Key words: Water , Challenge , Arab ,World

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