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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(3): 3833-3838

Corporate Social Responsibility and COVID-19 Endeavours of NTPC-A comparison of Employees and Community Perspective

Deepika, Dr. Deepti.


It is an established fact that Corporate Social Responsibility is positively correlated with economic development. With the announcement by the government that any amount donated by companies in support of the fight against COVID-19 will qualify as CSR, a majority of the companies either contributed to the PM CARES Fund or for various other purposes that contributed to protecting health and preventing hunger of the affected.Corporates look it as a plank to create for it the image of a true corporate citizen, the community and government sees it as an instrument for economic and social development. The success of any community development endeavour is dependent upon how the same is perceived by community. If the community thinks of it as the company speaks about it the CSR endeavour may be treated as successful. The present study has made an attempt to see CSR endeavours of NTPC, India’s largest power utility are thought of us similar by community as the same are preached by its managers covering its COVID aspect of development.

Key words: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), NTPC, Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).

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