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Turk J Vasc Surg. 1994; 3(1): 33-8

A New Approach in Chronlc Venous /nsufflclency: Descendlng Venography Asslsted wlth Dfgltal Video Motlon Techn/que

Oğuz Dicle, Oğuzhan Obuz, Öztekin Oto, Namık Erdağ, Ünal Açıkel, Dilşat Çamlı.


19 patients with chronic venous insufficiency were evaluated by descending venography assisted with digital video motion technique and venous reflux was evaluated. Although 3 cases had no reflux, regurgitation was found.at the fe­ moral level in 7 cases, and at the popliteal level in 6 cases. Venous reflux at crural veins and at the level of ankle of ankle was seen in 3 cases, and they were classified as grade 4. in 13 lower leg examination reflux was noted at the greater saphenous vein, and in 16 lower extremities venous reflux was seen at the superficial femoral vein, but only in 7 lower extremities deep ferroral venous regürgitation was encountered. in 4 cases with reflux diagnosed by descend­ ing venograms were also evaluated by color doppler sonography. However, doppler sonography was found to be inferi­ o.r than descending venography in grading veneo•us insufficienc y. As a result we conclude that descending venogra­ phy assisted with digital video motion is a useful method especially in presurgical planning.

Key words: None

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