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Turk J Vasc Surg. 2021; 30(1): 14-6

The diagnostic role of IVUS in pelvic venous disease

Houman Jalaie, Mohammad E. Barbati, Marald Wikkeling, Suat Doğancı.


The two main mechanisms for pelvic venous disease (PeVD) are reflux of ovarian vein and obstruction of left common iliac or left renal vein. Some patients have a combination of the two. Adequate assessment of the location and degree of stenosis and delineation of venous anatomy are the key elements in the success of interventions to treat chronic obstructions causing PeVD. While venography is more accessible and less expensive to perform than intravascular ultrasound (IVUS), an increasing number of studies have demonstrated that IVUS is significantly more sensitive than venography in identifying stenotic lesions and real-time anatomical alterations of the affected venous segments. In this paper, we discuss the derived information and the clinical applications of IVUS during such interventions. The definitive diagnosis of PeVD can be achieved with venography combined with IVUS to evaluate for obstructive lesions in the iliac veins and compression of the left renal vein. Venography has poor sensitivity and specificity in the detection of venous stenosis. However, IVUS can detect fine intraluminal trabeculae and outside compression that can be missed with standard multiplanar venography. The IVUS can confidently confirm the persistent venous stenosis regardless of the hemodynamical alterations of venous pressure, as well. Moreover, it is possible to precisely measure the diameter of ovarian vein with IVUS. This may be helpful to decide about the diameter of the coils or the plugs needed to avoid migration. In conclusion, IVUS enables us to accurately evaluate the underlying cause of PeVD and apply a patient’s tailored treatment on table.

Key words: IVUS, pelvic venous disease, venography, venous obstruction, venous reflux.

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