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What is the Future of Family Medicine in Bosnia and Herzegovina?

Amra Zalihic, Kosana Stanetic, Larisa Redzepagic Gavran, Natasa Trifunovic, Olivera Batic Mujanovic, Suzana Savic, Zaim Jatic.


Introduction: Although during undergraduate study students have a high opinion of family medicine and often praise it, during postgraduate studies they show little interest in this medical specialty.
Aim: The study aimed to examine the interest of public medical school students in family medicine as a career choice, to establish whether it changed during the study and if there was a difference in that regard among students studying at medical schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Hypotheses: students’ attitudes change with learning about the way a family doctor works. Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional survey. This manuscript presents a nationwide survey (63% response rate) of public medical school students in Bosnia and Herzegovina regarding their likelihood of selecting Family Medicine as a specialty. An anonymous questionnaire was distributed to all medical students on all six state universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Data basis of all doctors who have completed specialization programs were taken from ministries of health.
Results: In the period from 01/01/08 to 12/31/18, only 8.4% of all completed specializations were family medicine doctors in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Interest in family medicine, as a future career, was shown by 31% of medical students, of which over 75% were female students. The largest interest in family medicine was shown by the sixth-year medical students, stating their extensive knowledge of medicine as a reason. Conclusion: Students’ interest in FM specialization is changing through the years of study. Unfortunately, it is not only the lack of interest, that is the cause of the small number of family medical specialities among students but also poor health policy, which should be subjected to actual reform.

Key words: medical students, family medicine, medical specialty, career choice.

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