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Original Research

RMJ. 2023; 48(1): 78-81

Risk perception and coping strategies along with future outlook of Covid-19 among citizens of Rawalpindi and Islamabad, Pakistan

Summyia Siddique, Sanna Pervaiz, Qurat-ul-ain Saeed.


Objective: To determine the perception of risks and ways of coping with covid 19 and to find the future outlook of covid 19 from citizens of our area.
Methodology: This quantitative cross-sectional survey was conducted in one week from Rawalpindi and Islamabad through online access and included 310 subjects. Data were collected using Likert score-based questionnaire using non probability convenient sampling technique. Both genders older than 18 years were recruited. Data were analyzed using SPSS 21.
Results: Majority of the participants showed likely response regarding risk perception for being infected by Covid-19 and that Covid-19 was a global disaster. However, 34.5% showed unlikely response that Covid-19 will become dangerous over time. The age group of 21 to 24 years mostly agreed that they will cope with it if Covid-19 outbreak will happen again in future.
Conclusion: Majority of the participants showed likely response regarding risk perception for being infected by Covid-19 and they perceive that listening to the expert advice, changing of things in life, avoiding the public transport and washing hands frequently are the best coping strategies for Covid-19. Most responded that Covid-19 will end in near future and they can cope with it if it outbreaks again in future by practicing SOPs, and that they will be able to live a normal life in future.

Key words: Covid-19, coping strategies, future outlook, risk perception.

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