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A study to compare thyroid profile between premenopausal and postmenopausal women

Lilly Pushpam Rajendran, Geethu Krishna C G.


Background: The most abundant disorders worldwide are the thyroid disorders next to diabetes. Normal levels of thyroid hormones are essential for normal reproductive behavior. The onset of thyroid disorder increases with age. Thyroid disorders are more common in women than men. It is common that women develop menstrual cycle-related symptoms and are usually prone to thyroid dysfunction.

Aim and Objectives: The objectives of this study were as follows: (i) To assess the thyroid profile in premenopausal women; (ii) to assess the thyroid profile in postmenopausal women; and (iii) to compare the thyroid profile between premenopausal and postmenopausal women.

Materials and Methods: Subjects were selected according to premenopausal and postmenopausal status. Seventy premenopausal women more than 40 years of age and 70 postmenopausal women with menopause duration not more than 5 years. Thyroid profile was done in the central laboratory of Amala institute of Medical sciences, Thrissur. The tests were done basal-fasting state.

Results: The mean thyroid-stimulating hormone levels in the postmenopausal group (3.33 ± 3.88) were higher than premenopausal group (2.65 ± 2.36 MIU/L). The mean FT3 level in postmenopausal group (5.39 ± 0.64 pmol/L) was higher than in premenopausal group (5.19 ± 0.66 pmol/L) and the mean FT4 level was also higher in postmenopausal group (12.01 ± 2.99 pmol/L) than in premenopausal group (11.22 ± 2.13 pmol/L). There was no statistically significant difference in the thyroid hormone profile in premenopausal and postmenopausal status.

Conclusion: This study, the difference of thyroid parameters between premenopausal and postmenopausal women, does not show statistical significance. Further study with larger sample size in Indian population is required to evaluate association between thyroid status with pre- and postmenopausal status.

Key words: Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone; Triiodothyronine; Tetraiodothyronine; Premenopausal; Postmenopausal

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